Environmental justice

Political approaches to environmental justice

Environmental justice (EJ) has the following objectives:

In the US, there is an increasing consideration of procedural and distributional justice in environmental matters. E.g., models for citizens´ participation, and socio-spatial assessment in planning and siting have been developed. Results are still ambivalent, as the initial social and environmental conditions have been usually very negative, problem awareness develops faster than solutions, and improvements are often offset by contradictory political or economic processes.

Environmental inequalities in social and geographical terms, and the awareness of this problem is not limited to the US. But in Germany, problems differ to a certain extent, and - more important - the systems of environmental and social regulation differ from other countries. Social justice is mainly dealt with by social policy, with a large spectrum of targets, actors and levels. For the German discussion, the concepts of sustainability, lack of negative social (Sozialverträglichkeit), environmental (Umweltverträglichkeit) and health impacts (Gesundheitsverträglichkeit) may be referred to EJ.

Politically, EJ may be referred to programs and activities in regard to

E.g., the APUG in Northrhine-Westfalia (APUG-NRW) has included EJ as a topic.

Some important features:

The following concrete steps are discussed, but remain contentious:

In contrast, the following steps are no longer disputed:

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